Darwin N. Sletten — 2012 年 8 月
耗散阵列™系统(DAS™);是我们获得专利的 CTS 的名称。DAS 设计有不同多点电离器的组合,可在预防模式下运行。
SBI 是一种多点电离器,可以与 DAS 一起部署,以在预防模式下运行。可以在没有 DAS 的情况下部署多个 SBI 单元,以便在 CTS 收集模式下运行。SBI 通常成组安装在高架结构上。
SBT 是一种多点电离器,可以与 DAS 一起部署,以在预防模式下运行。可以在没有 DAS 的情况下部署多个 SBT,以便在 CTS 收集模式下运行。SBT 设计用于放置在屋顶和屋顶投影上,容易受到直接雷击。
离子等离子发生器 (IPG™) 是一种多点电离器™,仅在收集模式下运行。
Darwin N. Sletten — 2012 年 8 月
花键球端子™ (SBT™);是电荷转移系统(CTS)系列中的单点电离器。由于它的设计在装置上的电离点数量有限,因此它属于 CTS 操作的集合。如果点数显著增加并有效分布在更大的区域,则可将其归类为预防 CTS。通过对比测试,在单电离点空气终端和具有近电离点间距的多点电离器上,具有适当点间距的SBT(CTS)具有更大的电离能力。
花键球端子 (SBT)。SBT 有 80 个电离点,它们间隔成一个球,每个电离点与其他电离点相距约 4 英寸。
单电离点空气终端(避雷针 每个电离器都放置在同一个测试台上,顶部电离点设置在距离正电压源 7.5 英寸处。
增加电压以产生 0 至 75 kV/m 的局部电场,同时测量每个离散电压下的放电电流。 在 6 个不同的电压电平下记录测量值。比较图显示了每个电离器的放电电流和施加电场强度的比较。
如上图所示,随着电场强度的增加,SBT 产生的电离电流是空气终端产生的电离电流的 2.1 到 3.6 倍。同样,SBT 产生的电离电流是紧密间隔多点电离器的 1.2 到 1.6 倍。该测试表明,与其他具有近点间距的多点电离器相比,具有优化点间距的 SBT 显然具有更出色的电离能力,并且电离能力远优于单电离点。
Darwin N. Sletten — August 2012
A Charge Transfer System™ (CTS™) is a system intended to prevent a lightning strike from occurring within a protected zone or area. The CTS collects the induced charge developed by thunderstorm clouds from a designated protected area of the earth and transfers this charge through the ionizer into the surrounding air. The process whereby a sharp point immersed in an electrostatic field transfers charge from the ionizer into the air is known as point discharge. The resulting ionized air molecules form a mixture of charged and uncharged molecules known as space charge, which acts to form a shield between the storm cell and the site. The resulting difference in electrical potential between the protected site and the storm clouds is reduced thereby delaying the formation of an upward streamer from the protected site and preventing direct strikes.
Comparison Graph
The charge collector is an interconnected system of grounding electrodes and conductor designed to collect and funnel electrical charge to the ionizers. The down conductor(s) provide the electrical connection between the charge collector and the ionizers. The ionizers provide a means for point discharge to occur.
Collection Mode; establishes a preferred conductive path for the lightning leader.
Prevention Mode;reduces the electric field intensity to the level that delays the formation of an upward streamer from the protected area.
Dissipation Array™ System (DAS™); is the name for our patented a CTS. The DAS is designed with a combination of different multipoint ionizers to function in the Prevention Mode.
SBI's are a multipoint ionizer that can be deployed along with DAS to function in the Prevention Mode. Multiple units of SBIs can be deployed without DAS to function in the CTS Collection Mode. SBI's are normally mounted in groups on elevated structures.
SBTs are a multipoint ionizer that can be deployed along with DAS to function in the Prevention Mode.; Multiple SBTs can be deployed without DAS to function in the CTS Collection Mode.; SBT's are designed to be placed on roofs and roof projections subject to a direct lightning strike.
Ion Plasma Generators™ (IPG™) are a multipoint ionizer that functions only in the Collection Mode.
Darwin N. Sletten — August 2012
A Spline Ball Terminal™ (SBT™); is a single multipoint ionizer in the Charge Transfer System (CTS) family. Because it is designed with a limited number of ionizing points on the unit, it falls into the collection of CTS operation. If the number of points were increased significantly and distributed effectively over a larger area, it may be classified in the prevention of the CTS. A comparative test was conducted to illustrate the greater ionization capability of the SBT (CTS) with proper point spacing over a single ionizing point air terminal and a multipoint ionizer with close ionizing point spacing.
The Spline Ball Terminal (SBT). The SBT has 80 ionizing points which are spaced into a ball with each ionizing point separated from the others by approximately 4 inches.
Multi ionizing-point ionizer. This ionizer has several hundred ionizing points spaced approximately apart in a hemispheric configuration.
A single-ionizing-point air terminal (lightning rod Each ionizer was placed in the same test bed with the top ionizing point set 7.5 inches from the positive voltage source.
The voltage was increased to produce a local electric field from 0 to 75 kV/m while the discharge current was measured at each discrete voltage. Measurements were recorded at 6 different voltage levels. The Comparison graph shows a comparison of the discharge current and applied electric field strength for each ionizer.
上一篇:电涌保护器的重要参数有哪些? 电涌保护器厂家生产的电涌保护器种类主要分为三种:电压开关型、限压型和复合型。开关电源浪涌保护器是一种浪涌保护器,在没有浪涌时具有高阻抗,在有浪涌时可以立即转换为低阻抗。